I love you bodoh! A bit rude kn? But he love say it to me that way. Influence Radit dan Jani la nie? Haha. Indonesian muvi yg sgt besh. Really2 touch my heart. More to real story i guess. When Radit said that he want to make Jani's life better, its really touch me. He do everything he can to make Jani's life more happier even though he know he cant. Nanges kot tgk cite nie :'(

gory doesn't do chemical substance. mana boleh jadi kan ni cerita korang.
ni cerita i kot! MINE! MINE! MINE!
alaaa pap jeles! haha bialaa nak jd cite i pn. hahaha ;D
tak boleh!
dah copyright kot!
ahhh! xkire! hahaha
jum laa fight! i taw umah u mne. Hahahaha.
tp nak curik kucing tuu! comelll!
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