28 August 1988
How long have you been together?
11months 2weeks
How long did you know each other before you got together?
knal bulan 4 '08, bulan 6 terputus hubungan skit, kembali knal2 after jmpe kt mcd sgmt awal bulan 7 '08, n taw I da breakup so die start masuk jarum n after 4 5 days da cple. haa cmtue lah ;D
What physical features attracted you to him first?:
not sure BUT I loveeeeeeee when he open his mouth. sgt talkative! I like ;)
Hair color:
Hair style:
not surelah, tp I xsuke u botak! nty taleh tarik2 rmbt U. hehe
How did you meet?
How serious is it:
sgt serious!
Are you in love
deeply, truly, crazy in love!
Do your parents like him:
rasenye laa kot. hehe
Does it matter?:
Do you trust him?
yup2 i do :)
Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with:
nope xpenah mintak. sygg nak!
Do you like the way he smells:
Can you picture having kids with him:
hehehe ;D
Does he have a temper?
Tak sgt laa, kalo die marah xpenah bercakap, msg2 je coz bole control marah skit dlm tu.
Are you happy to be with him:
Sooooooo much !!
Does he embarrass you in public:
Not yet.
Does he have any piercings?:
Does he have any scars that you know of?:
yes kt lutut die, duadua belah coz jatuh tyme futsal. siap mms pic luke, sian BB i nie
Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?:
Amirul Haziq born to party all night long!
Is he Outgoing or Shy?
pemalu ke? hahaha
Does he love his mama?
sgt2 syg smpi bday mama pn xingat. gile! haha nty ak nak tnye kaw bday mama, abah sume. hafal cepat!!!!
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?
mmg slalu pn
Does he sing?
Does he snore?
dlm train sygg. hahaha
Do you like his friends?
yes2. tetibe i ryndu arep laa syg. die comel! arep nty kt sgmt kte dating keh. hehe
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