Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Boyfie

What is their name?
- Amirul Haziq Bin Mohd Radzi

What pet name do you like to call them?
- syg, BB, gmok ;)

How long have you been together?
- 331days / 10months 26days n still counting :)

How did you meet?
- Myspace n Uitm Segamat

What do you like the most about them?
- caring, understanding, kelakar n gedik!

What do you like the least about them?
- ske layan gurl. jeles2 ;(

What is the best thing they have ever done for you?
- when i got my 1st present from him. teddy bear name amisha. smpi nanges2 kot, xcaye tnye tiqa n mia saksi kejadian :P

Have they met your parents yet?
- dah2, tp die takut ayah, nmpk garang katanye haha

What would you kids look like if you had kids?
- mata cantik cm mama die haha! perasan :P

What is the worst argument you have had?
- last week. sgt gile. sorry syg, my bad :(

Do you still kiss a lot?
- yesyesyes

Who asked who out?
- him lah

Do you think you will get married?
- ade jodoh adelah. insyaAllah :)

Can you see yourself growing old with them?
- yes. dgn uban2nye, jalan gigil2, mata xnampak sgt. haha

What is the one thing you would like to change about them?
- smoke habit

What do you think they would like to change about you?
- my dressup, personality n attitude. kn syg?

What is the first gift they ever bought you?
- teddy bear. Amisha nama die

Do you have a favorite song together?
- not sure lah. Im Your's kot :D

Which famous person do you think they look like the most?
- edward cullen. twin u kn tu syg? xD

Would you say the two of you are a good match?
- yes. bcoz ktorg ade personality n cara yg sgt2 diff. mcm langit n bumi. tp cinta kami tetap utuh! doakn berkekalan yeh? :D

Picture of both of you.

Amirul Haziq
Cik Tiqaa
Cik Baby
Cik Yaya
& spe je aa yg nak wat :)


Cik Ateen said...

kim slm ngn mirul yer nek..
ckp ngn gdluck utk result..
usha blog aten lak yer nek..
cu mau out..

waNiee said...

die je gudluck? nek tayah laa nie? majuk! ;(

wanwan said...

jangan lupa antar kad kahwin..V.I.P nya..yg meja makanan dia plg byk makanan hahaha

tiqaa said...

alemak, tade bf la wanie. taleh wat benda neh. hee :)