This post specially to sumone i LOVE so much.
Tq for always be beside me. Thank for all the happyness you gave to me since 14 July 2008. Now, U & I already 11months. And 1month to go until our 1st year and our longest relationship. I cant tell how much I Love You because its just more than words. Everthing blend so well throughout this 11months. Sad, pain, joy, happy, tears. Omg, i just cant believe we have been together this long. I promise to you i will be with u forever. I just love you syg. N i know u love me too :)

Tq for always be beside me. Thank for all the happyness you gave to me since 14 July 2008. Now, U & I already 11months. And 1month to go until our 1st year and our longest relationship. I cant tell how much I Love You because its just more than words. Everthing blend so well throughout this 11months. Sad, pain, joy, happy, tears. Omg, i just cant believe we have been together this long. I promise to you i will be with u forever. I just love you syg. N i know u love me too :)

happy anniversary for both of you :)
hehe thx lea :)
owh 14 julai nanti kita semua kat segamatla ni..haha sambut anniversary kat billionla apalagi wahahaa
apa barang smbt kt billion! haha giant ah besar ckit! muahahaha xD
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